now mind you, I am in windows, i hit restart, then hit del, tell the bios to boot from USB, and then save and exit. When it goes to boot from the USB i get an error
CTR+ALT+DEL to restart
tried 3 or 4 times, same error almost instant, go back into bios, change back to my HD as primary boot device, and then can get right back into windows error free.
So, i believe I may have did something wrong with creating the USB drive? Should there be a bootMGR on the usb thumb drive? Ultimately what I want, is when i boot up my PC it give me the option to boot into XP/7/10.
Bootmgr Is Missing Xp Usb Installation Toyota Tacoma
BOOTMGR IS MISSING CTR+ALT+DEL to restart while installing xp from a disc but it was a long time ago I don't remember what it was that worked. But I do remember what I tried. D&d dmg 3.5 gunsfocusnew. It was either trying a different xp, a setting in the bios or removing the hard drive and formatting from another pc. Since you're asking about USB check out this guild here. Re: Windows XP - Bootmgr is missing. Finding mac address for cisco access control router. I have actually solved this problem. Here is what i used in case anyone else needs it: Install Windows XP using USB Flash Disk/ Flash Drive - Step by Step Guide It worked great. Thanks for the help anyway. Either my hard drive is lacking a BOOTMGR or the BOOTMGR for the hard drive is missing, because nothing will boot from the USB. The harddrive is clean. Not the multiple images of Windows XP I have or Hiren's BOOT CD (While booting from a USB drive).