Dmg Loot Tables Airenewbed


I Loot the...Kobold! (d12)

Dec 04, 2014 Roll an Adventure Using the 5e Dungeon Master’s Guide — Part I. Posted on December 4. Some tables in the DMG can be re-purposed if you get a little creative. For example, on pages 144-149 you’ll find a number of tables to randomly generate discovered magic items. Let’s just use one to identify the TYPE of artifact. When you design loot that makes sense it keeps the players immersed and it gives you a chance to build your world. Another great example is when your players explore a dungeon or a cave, they may come across a dead adventurer. Rather than rolling on a loot table, load that corpse up with a ton of mundane adventuring supplies! Based on the tables and rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide, pages 133-149. Clear Based on the tables and rules in the Dungeon Master's Guide, pages 133-149. Select Category. Pick Random Item Clear. I'm just curious. How exactly does the loot table work? LOOT TABLES Loot Table for Toxxulia Toxxulia's Eye 55 held HUM ELF DELF GNO OGR ERU ALC MAG ENC NEC WIZ STA: 15 DEX: 40 HPMax: 45 Power: 125 Toxxulia's fang 60 primary 1HS ALL WAR RAN PAL SK BRD RGE ALC MAG ENC NEC WIZ DMG: 710 Toxxulia's Pendant 60 neck ALL ALL STA: 30 HPMax: 125 PR: 15 DR: 15 dark earring of wonder 60 ear ALL ALL DEX: 25 CHA: 25 HPMax: 100 dark necklace of wonder 60 neck ALL. Roll once on Magic Item Table F and 1d4 times on Magic Item Table G. 79–80: 3d6 (10) 500 gp gems: Roll once on Magic Item Table F and 1d4 times on Magic Item Table G. 81–82: 3d6 (1 0) 1,000 gp gems: Roll once on Magic Item Table F and 1d4 times on Magic Item Table G. 83–85: 2d4 (5) 250 gp art objects: Roll1d4 times on Magic Item Table H.



Roll 1d100 Caltrops

One of the worst things to actually step on!


Crate of Centipedes

This wooden crate contains Roll 8d4 live centipedes.


Bag of Mushrooms

For those brave enough, surprisingly nutritious!


Silver Nugget

One pound nugget, worth about 5 GP.


Spider Pot

A clay pot filled with poisonous spiders, Eeeek~


Golden Armband

For small creatures, fits snuggly for stealth.


Roll 2d2 Unpolished Gems

Several rough semi-precious gemstones.


Throwing Net

This net is for Throwing at an enemy to restrain.


Bearded Dragon

A pet lizard, like to bite toes.


Bear Trap

Kobolds are always prepared to fight bears.


Roll 1d4 Platinum Rings

For small fingers, very beautiful and shiny.


Pot of Green Slime

Acidic Slime that devours flesh, organic material, and metal (DMG, p105).

rolled 986 times
T6 Loot Tables
This thread is of course work in progress, I'll keep updating it as new information comes in.
If/when you kill any T6 bosses, please report the loot in this thread.
For the item stats, see the AoC armory.
  • 2x armor pieces
    • Belt of the Ghost of the Veldt
    • Belt of the Great Impi
    • Belt of the Primal Spirit
    • Belt of the Warded Brute
    • Clasp of the Steel Behemoth
    • Cord of the Crackling Marionette
    • Girdle of Bone and Horn
    • Girdle of the Earth Mother
    • Girdle of the Endless Sands
    • Sash of the Amaranthine Drums
    • Wrap of the Masquer of the Sands
  • 2x urns with 10 Simple Relics VI (archetype-specific)
  • for each player, 1x Simple Relic VI as a participation token
Emerald Leviathan
  • 2x armor pieces
    • Arm Bands of the Ghost of the Veldt
    • Arm Bands of the Masquer of the Sands
    • Arm Band of the Amaranthine Drums
    • Arm Binding of the Earth Mother
    • Arm Guards of the Endless Sands
    • Bangle of the Primal Spirit
    • Pauldron of the Steel Behemoth
    • Shoulder Pad of the Cackling Marionette
    • Shoulder Strap of Bone and Horn
    • Shoulder Strap of the Great Impi
  • 2x urns with 10 Simple Relics VI (archetype-specific)
  • for each player, 1x Simple Relic VI as a participation token

Igneous, Stone Coat and Brittle Back
  • 2x armor pieces
    • Arm Guards of the Earth Mother
    • Arm Guard of the Warded Brute
    • Bangle of the Ghost of the Veldt
    • Bracelets of the Primal Spirit
    • Clasp of the Amaranthine Drums
    • Manacles of the Endless Sands
    • Talons of the Cackling Marionette
    • Vambraces of Bone and Horn
    • Vambraces of the Great Impi
    • Vambraces of the Masquer of the Sands
    • Vambraces of the Steel Behemoth
  • 2x urns with 10 Simple Relics VI (archetype-specific)
  • 0-1x Phial of Heavenly Knowledge
  • for each player, 1x Simple Relic VI as a participation token

Lotus Domination
  • 2x armor pieces
    • Gloves of the Cackling Marionette
    • Gloves of the Earth Mother
    • Gloves of the Warded Brute
    • Grips of the Amaranthine Drums
    • Grips of Bone and Horn
    • Grips of the Endless Sands
    • Grips of the Ghost of the Veldt
    • Grips of the Great Impi
    • Grips of the Masquer of the Sands
    • Grips of the Primal Spirit
    • Grips of the Steel Behemoth
  • 2x necklaces
    • Barbs of the Masquer of the Sands (DT necklace)
    • Binding of the Enslaving Opiate (ranger/sin necklace)
    • Chimes of the Black Wind (demo/necro necklace)
    • Emblem of Ashur (barb/bs necklace)
    • Links of Cetriss (pom/tos/necro/demo necklace)
    • Mark of the Endless Sands (HoX necklace)
    • Necklace of the Manic Haze (barb/sin necklace)
    • Necklace of the Primal Spirit (PoM/ToS necklace)
    • Trinket of Bone and Horn (ranger necklace)
    • Trinket of the Earth Mother (BS necklace)
    • Tokens of the Great Impi (conq necklace)
  • 2x urns with 10 Simple Relics VI (archetype-specific)
  • Emerald Essence (non-archetype specific rare relic)
  • for each player, 2x Simple Relic VI as participation tokens

The Faceless God
  • 2x armor pieces
    • Boots of Bone and Horn
    • Boots of the Amaranthine Drums
    • Boots of the Earth Mother
    • Boots of the Great Impi
    • Boots of the Masquer of the Sands
    • Boots of the Steel Behemoth
    • Claws of the Cackling Marionette
    • Hooves of the Warded Brute
    • Sandals of the Primal Spirit
    • Soles of the Endless Sands
    • Soles of the Ghost of the Veldt
  • 1x necklace
    • Barbs of the Masquer of the Sands (DT necklace)
    • Binding of the Enslaving Opiate (ranger/sin necklace)
    • Chain of Akkaria (guardian necklace)
    • Chimes of the Black Wind (demo/necro necklace)
    • Emblem of Ashur (barb/BS necklace)
    • Eran Spahbed Lock (guardian/DT/conq necklace)
    • Links of Cetriss (pom/tos/necro/demo necklace)
    • Mark of the Endless Sands (HoX necklace)
    • Trinket of Bone and Horn (ranger necklace)
    • Tokens of the Great Impi (conq necklace)
  • 2x weapons/shields
    • Akinakes of the Ruinous Miasma (sin dagger)
    • Bagirwa Totem (BS 2hb)
    • Blade of the Manic Haze (barb/conq 1he)
    • Brand of Ashur (barbarian 2he)
    • Eran Spahbed Spara (guard/DT shield)
    • Great Sword of the Warded Brute (conq 2he)
    • Khanjar of the Faceless Man (demo/necro dagger)
    • Needles of Bone and Horn (ranger ammunition)
    • Seal of the Black Wind (demo/necro tali)
    • Sosun Pattah of the Endless Sands (HoX 2he)
    • Violin Shield of the Twelfth Dynasty (pom/tos shield)
  • 2x urns with 10 Simple Relics VI (archetype-specific)
  • 1-2x Emerald Essence (archetype-specific rare relic)
  • for each player, 3x Simple Relic VI as participation tokens


Dmg Loot Tables


Dmg Loot Tables 5e

  • 2x armor pieces
    • Antlers of Bone and Horn
    • Cage of the Cackling Marionette
    • Helm of the Primal Spirit
    • Horn of the Warded Brute
    • Horns of the Endless Sands
    • Mask of the Ghost of the Veldt
    • Mask of the Great Impi
  • 2x weapons/shields
    • Black Pharaoh's Soul Blade (HoX 2he)
    • Blade of the Enslaving Opiate (sin dagger)
    • Cudgel of the Earth Mother (BS 2hb)
    • Eran Spahbed Ajanta (guard/DT 1he)
    • Knight of the Silver Twilight Token (DT talisman)
    • Kopas of the Dunes (conq 1he)
    • Nameless Glaive (guardian polearm)
    • Recurve Bow of Impossible Vines (ranger bow)
    • Sagaris of the Twelfth Dynasty (PoM/ToS 1he)
    • Spear of Nephren-Ka (necro/demo staff)
    • Staff of the Primal Spirit (PoM/ToS staff)
  • 2x urns with 10 Simple Relics VI (archetype-specific)
  • 2x Emerald Essence (archetype-specific rare relic)
  • for each player, 3x Simple Relic VI as participation tokens