To Do Listbeautiful Todo Lists For Your Site


Finding the best to do list template app or software is a difficult task, given all of the choices available these days. First, you need to find out what kind of to do list template suits your style of working.

  1. Todo List Website
  2. To Do List Beautiful Todo Lists For Your Site 2017

There are many different ways to create a to do list, and I want to lay some of them out here. In this article, I’ll cover:

Perfect for all you minimalists out there, this magnetic shopping/to-do list is a visually pleasing, simple piece of art you can show off on your refrigerator. Just download the template from. Make your TO DO list work better with tips and ideas for getting things under control. Master TO DO list, Nice TO DO list, never ending TO DO lists etc.

  • A template for both basic and complex to do lists
  • How to organize to-dos for multiple projects
  • 1 Time management template

(If you are using the template for work purposes, try the weekly status report templates instead)

Try working with some of the following to do list templates to see what you like best:

If you want to use GTD templates, SWOT templates, then you can simply use the Priority Matrix software, which allows you to create, export, and share 4-quadrant templates.

You can out Priority Matrix here, by entering your email:

Obviously, for those that prefer the simplest methods, you could just write your to dos down in any random order on a piece of paper, and cross them out as you complete them.

Things I have to do:

  1. Buy groceries
  2. Go to doctor’s office
  3. Visit parents
  4. Pick kids up from school

However, by spending less time organizing your ideas, you may end up wasting more time later while completing the tasks.

Complex to do list template

Here is a to do list template with a little more complexity, which can be found at the Microsoft Office Templates website:

You can download the .docx file for this template here, or at the Microsoft Office Templates page here. This template adds more useful information onto the previous template, like “Due Date” and includes “Who” the task might involve. The same result can be accomplished in an excel spreadsheet, which allows for more complex sorting of to-dos. One can sort by Priority Level, due date, whether the task has been finished or not, etc.

Template for multiple to do lists

I personally find it easier to sort not only my tasks, but to sort my to do lists. I have different to do lists for different parts of my life. For instance, I have one for work, and one for home/life in general. Here is an example of how multiple to do lists can be useful:

Download the .docx file for this to do list template here.

And last, but certainly not least, is the to do list template that we like to use here at Appfluence.

Time management template

The Eisenhower time management matrix is our bread and butter, with good reason. We simply believe that organizing our tasks into 4 different levels of priority and urgency allows us to choose which tasks should be done first. Take a look here for the explanation of the 4-quadrant method.

Learn more about the 4-Quadrant Method in Priority Matrix:

Got any ways you create to-do-lists? Let us know in the comments.

Interested in managing your to-do list like we do?? Sign up to try Priority Matrix by entering your email below!

Learn more about Priority Matrix for Windows, iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Read Next:

How to: Manage Your Team Workload in Excel

An Actionable Guide to Prioritization and Delegation

Time Management Strategies for Busy People

Finding the best to do list template app or software is a difficult task, given all of the choices available these days. First, you need to find out what kind of to do list template suits your style of working.

There are many different ways to create a to do list, and I want to lay some of them out here. In this article, I’ll cover:

  • A template for both basic and complex to do lists
  • How to organize to-dos for multiple projects
  • 1 Time management template

(If you are using the template for work purposes, try the weekly status report templates instead)

Try working with some of the following to do list templates to see what you like best:

If you want to use GTD templates, SWOT templates, then you can simply use the Priority Matrix software, which allows you to create, export, and share 4-quadrant templates.

You can out Priority Matrix here, by entering your email:

Obviously, for those that prefer the simplest methods, you could just write your to dos down in any random order on a piece of paper, and cross them out as you complete them.

Things I have to do:

  1. Buy groceries
  2. Go to doctor’s office
  3. Visit parents
  4. Pick kids up from school

However, by spending less time organizing your ideas, you may end up wasting more time later while completing the tasks.

Complex to do list template

Here is a to do list template with a little more complexity, which can be found at the Microsoft Office Templates website:

You can download the .docx file for this template here, or at the Microsoft Office Templates page here. This template adds more useful information onto the previous template, like “Due Date” and includes “Who” the task might involve. The same result can be accomplished in an excel spreadsheet, which allows for more complex sorting of to-dos. One can sort by Priority Level, due date, whether the task has been finished or not, etc.

Template for multiple to do lists

I personally find it easier to sort not only my tasks, but to sort my to do lists. I have different to do lists for different parts of my life. For instance, I have one for work, and one for home/life in general. Here is an example of how multiple to do lists can be useful:

Download the .docx file for this to do list template here.

And last, but certainly not least, is the to do list template that we like to use here at Appfluence.

Time management template

The Eisenhower time management matrix is our bread and butter, with good reason. We simply believe that organizing our tasks into 4 different levels of priority and urgency allows us to choose which tasks should be done first. Take a look here for the explanation of the 4-quadrant method.

Learn more about the 4-Quadrant Method in Priority Matrix:

Got any ways you create to-do-lists? Let us know in the comments.

Interested in managing your to-do list like we do?? Sign up to try Priority Matrix by entering your email below!

Todo List Website

Learn more about Priority Matrix for Windows, iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

Read Next:

How to: Manage Your Team Workload in Excel

An Actionable Guide to Prioritization and Delegation

To Do List Beautiful Todo Lists For Your Site 2017

Time Management Strategies for Busy People