Unit 6energymr. Mac's 6th Grade



Morgan is a happily married working mom. She has a daughter named Anna and an infant named Cash. Morgan grew up along the beaches of sunny Florida and moved with her folks to Hendersonville, NC in her twenties. Sixth Grade Unit 1: Energy and Simple Machines Unit Overview: The study of energy will provide a better understanding about its various forms, transformations, and uses. Students should be able to design systems that will demonstrate the use and transformation of energy. Start studying 6th Grade- Energy Unit. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Each Common Core: 6th Grade Math problem is tagged down to the core, underlying concept that is being tested. The Common Core: 6th Grade Math diagnostic test results highlight how you performed on each area of the test. You can then utilize the results to create a personalized study plan that is based on your particular area of need. Students analyze the geographic, political, economic, social, and religious structures of the civilizations of Ancient Israel. Tennessee Learning Objectives: On a historical map of the Mediterranean.

Day 1 (Jan. 21/23): History of Computers.

History of Computers

Day 2 (Jan. 24/28): CHIPS

CHIPS (Computer History InternetPuzzle Search)

Day 3 (Jan. 29/31):

Unit 6energymr. Mac's 6th Grade School Supply


Bill Nye the Science Guy: Computer Science

Unit 6energymr. Mac's 6th Grade Language Arts

Day 4: (Feb. 3/5)

Learn 360 Video on History of Computers:

username: 1576dcgm

password: haea11

Day 5/6: Computer Basics Vocabulary



Mac Desktop and Labeling

Basics Mac vs PC / Care and Safety.

Need Headphones.

Watch Videos, complete worksheet, take care and safety quiz.

Day 6: Computer Basics Review

Embed gadget


Think you're ready for the test? Ok to do the HOUR OF CODE

Day 7: Computer Basics Test

Day 8: Robots of the future

Watch Video and complete worksheet.

Create yourown Robot.

File - make copy - RENAME


p6_1 Lastname, Firstname Robot

Type answers to each question, using complete sentences.

Insert drawing and draw a picture of your robot. (wrap text)

Insert image and search for image to add (wrap text)

Should all be on 1 page. Share w/one other student to proof.

Day 9:

Finish Robots. Last Class day to work on them. Proofread, print and turn in.

Robotics WebSites


Go to these websites to learn more about robotics and designing robots.

Virutal Roboticx lab - more complex (continue without saving)

LowLIfe Labs: Robots and Us - informational

HOUR OF CODE - programming skills required for robotics!