The Pertleto Collegiate Academy



  1. The Pertleto Collegiate Academy Football
  2. The Pertleto Collegiate Academy Charter School
  3. The Pertleto Collegiate Academy Basketball
  4. The Pertleto Collegiate Academy Lacrosse

The Pertleto Collegiate Academy Football

(Redirected from Peralta Colleges)

Collegiate Preparatory Academy (CPA) is a grade 9-12 high school dedicated to preparing students for the realities of university and the workforce through a rigorous education and college credit opportunities. Take a Virtual School Tour with Principal Lynch!

Coordinates: 37°47′38″N122°15′32″W / 37.79389°N 122.25889°W

Peralta’s High School Special Enrollment provides enrichment opportunities for high school students who can benefit from college level instruction. Each College may admit a number of high school students entering 9th grade or above who have exceptional ability, or who desire specialized or advanced training. Dutch brand in handcrafted rugs!

The Peralta Community College District is the community college district serving northern Alameda County, California. The district operates four community colleges: Berkeley City College, Laney College and Merritt College in Oakland, and College of Alameda. From 1968 to 1988, non-contiguous Plumas County was part of the district, and Feather River College was operated by the district. Plumas County and Feather River College are now part of the Feather River Community College District. Although the district is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, it was placed on probation in early 2020 for severe financial problems.[1]


Merritt College opened as a general campus in 1954. It had been known as the Merritt School of Business, and along with what is now Laney College, was operated by the Oakland Unified School District as Oakland Junior College.

In 1963, the residents of Alameda, Albany, Berkeley, Emeryville, Oakland, and Piedmont voted to form a single community college district. The district began operations under the Peralta name on July 1, 1964. The Peralta name was selected because all of the cities of the district, now a part of the greater Oakland metropolitan region, are located on the original Spanish land grant for Sgt. Luís María Peralta dating from August 1820.

In 1965, a bond issue was passed which established a new downtown Oakland campus building for Laney College (opened in 1970), a new campus for Merritt College (opened in 1971) and the founding of the College of Alameda.

Berkeley City College was established in 1974 and operated under the name Vista Community College until 2006, when it began to operate from a permanent site.

Feather River College was operated by the Peralta CCD from 1968 to 1988, when Plumas County was de-annexed from the district; it now operates as the flagship campus of its own district.[2]

The Peralta district is governed by a seven-member Board of Trustees elected by the public within the district boundaries. Two student members sit on the board, but only have 'advisory votes.'

As of October 1, 2020, Dr. Carla Walter serves as Interim Chancellor for the district.


The Peralta Community College District is governed by an elected seven-member board of trustees. The board meets twice a month with meetings open to the public and broadcast live on local radio, television stations, Peralta Colleges Television (PCTV), and Peralta's YouTube Channel.[3]


  • John W. Dunn (1964 – 1971)[4]
  • Clem Long (1971 – 1973)[4]
  • Thomas Fryer (1973 – 1978)[4]
  • Mav Tadlock (1978 – 1980)[4]
  • David Godhold (1980 – 1987)[4]
  • Armen Sarafian (1987 – 1988)[4]
  • Robert Scanell (1989 – 1955)[4]
  • A.J. Harrison (1995 – 1999)[4]
  • Ronald J. Temple (1999 – 2003)[4]
  • Elihu M. Harris (2004 – 2010)[4]
  • Wise Allen (2010 – 2012)[4]
  • Jose M. Ortiz (2012 – 2015)[4]
  • Jowel C. Lagurerre (2015 – 2019)[4]
  • Frances White (2019)[4]
  • Regina Stanback Stroud (2019 – 2020)[4]
  • Carla Walter (2020 – present)[4]

See also[edit]


  1. ^Asimov, Nanette (January 31, 2020). 'Accreditors place troubled Peralta Community College District on probation'. San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved February 6, 2020.
  2. ^Feather River College: History and Setting
  3. ^'Board of Trustees'. Retrieved 2020-11-18.
  4. ^ abcdefghijklmnop'Chancellors: 1964 – present : Chancellor's Office'. Retrieved 2020-11-19.

External links[edit]

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(redirected from percolates)Lacrosse
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Idioms.


1. To cause (liquid, for example) to pass through a porous substance or small holes; filter.
2. To pass or ooze through: Water percolated the sand.
1. To drain or seep through a porous material or filter.
3. Informal To spread slowly or gradually.
n.(-lĭt, -lāt′)
[Latin percōlāre, percōlāt- : per-, per- + cōlāre, to filter (from cōlum, sieve).]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. to cause (a liquid) to pass through a fine mesh, porous substance, etc, or (of a liquid) to pass through a fine mesh, porous substance, etc; trickle: rain percolated through the roof.
2. to permeate; penetrate gradually: water percolated the road.
3. (intr) informalUS to become active or lively: she percolated with happiness.
4. (Cookery) to make (coffee) or (of coffee) to be made in a percolator
[C17: from Latin percolāre, from per + cōlāre to strain, from cōlum a strainer; see colander]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(v. ˈpɜr kəˌleɪt; n. -lɪt, -ˌleɪt)
v. -lat•ed, -lat•ing,
n. v.t.
1. to cause (a liquid) to pass through a porous body; filter.
3. to brew (coffee) in a percolator.
4. to pass through a porous substance; filter; ooze; seep; trickle.
6. to become active, lively, or spirited.
8. a percolated liquid.
[1620–30; < Latin percōlātus, past participle of percōlāre to filter]
pron: The pronunciation of percolate with an intrusive y-glide results from analogy with words like circulate and matriculate, where the y-glide is mandatory. In words like percolate and escalate, where (k) is followed by -o- or -a- rather than -u-, the (y), as in the pronunciations (ˈpɜr kyəˌleɪt) and (ˈɛs kyəˌleɪt) represents a hypercorrection. See coupon.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: percolated
Gerund: percolating
I percolate
you percolate
he/she/it percolates
we percolate
you percolate
they percolate
I percolated
you percolated
he/she/it percolated
we percolated
you percolated
they percolated
Present Continuous
I am percolating
you are percolating
he/she/it is percolating
we are percolating
you are percolating
they are percolating
Present Perfect
I have percolated
you have percolated
he/she/it has percolated
we have percolated
you have percolated
they have percolated
Past Continuous
I was percolating
you were percolating
he/she/it was percolating
we were percolating
you were percolating
they were percolating
Past Perfect
I had percolated
you had percolated
he/she/it had percolated
we had percolated
you had percolated
they had percolated
I will percolate
you will percolate
he/she/it will percolate
we will percolate
you will percolate
they will percolate
Future Perfect
I will have percolated
you will have percolated
he/she/it will have percolated
we will have percolated
you will have percolated
they will have percolated
Future Continuous
I will be percolating
you will be percolating
he/she/it will be percolating
we will be percolating
you will be percolating
they will be percolating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been percolating
you have been percolating
he/she/it has been percolating
we have been percolating
you have been percolating
they have been percolating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been percolating
you will have been percolating
he/she/it will have been percolating
we will have been percolating
you will have been percolating
they will have been percolating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been percolating
you had been percolating
he/she/it had been percolating
we had been percolating
you had been percolating
they had been percolating
I would percolate
you would percolate
he/she/it would percolate
we would percolate
you would percolate
they would percolate
Past Conditional
I would have percolated
you would have percolated
he/she/it would have percolated
we would have percolated
you would have percolated
they would have percolated
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
Noun1.percolate - the product of percolation
filtrate - the product of filtration; a gas or liquid that has been passed through a filter
Verb1.percolate - permeate or penetrate gradually; 'the fertilizer leached into the ground'
dribble, trickle, filter - run or flow slowly, as in drops or in an unsteady stream; 'water trickled onto the lawn from the broken hose'; 'reports began to dribble in'
2.percolate - spread gradually; 'Light percolated into our house in the morning'
diffuse, fan out, spread out, spread - move outward; 'The soldiers fanned out'
3.percolate - prepare in a percolator; 'percolate coffee'
percolate - cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance in order to extract a soluble constituent
4.percolate - cause (a solvent) to pass through a permeable substance in order to extract a soluble constituent
percolate - prepare in a percolator; 'percolate coffee'
5.percolate - pass through; 'Water permeates sand easily'
penetrate, perforate - pass into or through, often by overcoming resistance; 'The bullet penetrated her chest'
infiltrate - pass into or through by filtering or permeating; 'the substance infiltrated the material'
infiltrate - cause (a liquid) to enter by penetrating the interstices
6.percolate - gain or regain energy; 'I picked up after a nap'
convalesce, recover, recuperate - get over an illness or shock; 'The patient is recuperating'
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.penetrate, filter, seep, pervade, permeate, transfuseThese truths begin to percolate through our minds.

The Pertleto Collegiate Academy Charter School

2.filter, brew, perk(informal)the machine I use to percolate my coffee

The Pertleto Collegiate Academy Basketball

3.seep, strain, drain, filter, penetrate, drip, leach, ooze, pervade, permeate, filtrateWater cannot percolate through the clay.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002


verbTo flow or leak out or emit something slowly:
bleed, exude, leach, ooze, seep, transpire, transude, weep.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


A.VTfiltrar; [+ coffee] → hacer (en una cafetera de filtro)
percolated coffeecafém (de) filtro
B.VIThe Pertleto Collegiate Academy
1. (lit, fig) → filtrarse
to percolate down tofiltrarse hasta
to percolate through (sth) [water] → filtrarse (por algo); [ideas] → propagarse (por algo)
these ideas may eventually percolate through to the top of the organizationpuede que al final estas ideas se propaguen por la cúpulade laorganización
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


to percolate into a room [light] → s'infiltrer dans une piècevt fus
[truth, information] → s'infiltrer dans
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


vtfiltrieren; coffee(in einer Kaffeemaschine) zubereiten; percolated coffeemit der Kaffeemaschine gebrühter Kaffee

The Pertleto Collegiate Academy Lacrosse

vi (lit, fig)durchsickern; the coffee is just percolatingder Kaffeeläuftgerade durch; the information was starting to percolate throughdie Informationenbegannendurchzusickern
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˈpɜːkəˌleɪt] (water, coffee) → passare, filtrare (fig) (news) → filtrare
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995

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